
Cardboard Play Day at Kujira Yama (#6)

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Cardboard Kryptonite! We had light rain just after our event was set up for The Global Cardboard Challenge on Friday.  Sadly, most of the kids we anticipated didn't show up. We didn't lose heart though, and a few brave souls trickled in after the weather cleared to inhabit the cardboard dwellings that were created. As always, it was great fun and I couldn't have done it without my husband's help, or the wonderful folks that run the play park adventure playground.

I had such a great time this year getting to know the folks at The Imagination Foundation, as well as other Cardboard Challenge organizers from around the world. This year there were more than 43 countries represented and 100,000 kids at the Global Cardboard Play Day. If you've ever thought about planning an event for your community next year, be sure to visit Caine's Arcade to find out more. You can be part of this amazing and inspiring cardboard movement!