Meet the judges: Lullatone

We have another cardboard aficionado joining our team of judges! Shawn James Seymour of the Japan-based band, Lullatone. Shawn knows a thing or two about making incredible cardboard stuff. He teaches kids how to make a variety of musical instruments out of cardboard for a local television show here in Nagoya, Japan.

Whether you know it or not, you've probably heard Lullatone's beautifully soft yet vibrant music. They've done commercial work for clients like Target, Volkswagen and Anthropologie, but my daughters' love the clip they did for a Japanese female hygiene products company called Laurier the most. Check it out.

If you haven't heard Soundtracks for Everyday Adventures, their latest album, let me just say it's one of our favorites. Usually we put it on while we're doing things together like working on puzzles or cutting up vegetables for dinner. This is also an album I love to listen to when I'm just sitting around in my living room making stuff out of cardboard during nap time.

And one more little tip for you. If you ever need to calm down a cranky baby, try this Lullatone masterpiece. It works every. time. Thanks so much for joining us Shawn!