International Pellet Watch

Meeting a few of My Eco Heroes

Last weekend I had the honor of attending the International Symposium on Marine Plastic Pollution: Toxic Chemicals and Biological Effects hosted by Dr. Hideshige Takada and the International Pellet Watch here in Tokyo. (Wow, I know) I found out about Dr. Takada's work while researching citizen science projects last year to participate in with Electra and Isis. My husband was also interested, so this spring we contacted Dr. Takada to participate in his IPW project. Dr. Takada kindly invited us to attend his symposium on Sunday and it was a really fantastic experience.

For the last three years I have been reading and watching documentaries about plastics in our environment (Plastic: a Toxic Love Affair, Moby Duck, Bag it, Cheap, The Story of Bottled Water, My Plastic Free Life), and now I'm reading my newly signed copy of Plastic Ocean, by Captain Charles Moore.

Meeting and hearing from this round-up of plastic pollution All-Stars was a kind of  dream come true for me. One of the whole reasons I started The Cardboard Collective is that I wanted to provide families with alternatives to all of the plastic furniture, toys, and products that have become so ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives.

I cannot cover all of the things that I think you need to know about plastic here in the post so if you're interested and want to learn more, go ahead and click on some of the links I've attached above.

I'm so grateful to the dedicated group of scientists, researchers and activists that I heard from at the symposium for providing the data and passion behind a movement that I hope will someday change our planet and our health for the better and three cheers from all of us here at The Cardboard Collective.