Amber Dohrenwend

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Cardboard and Plastic Netting Stationary Envelope

I I don't like to post projects that require tools that people don't have access too, but I thought that combination of materials might at least inspire those of you without a sewing machine to create something similar. The important thing about this envelope is that the netting lets you see what's inside- very important for both moms and toddlers alike!

This stationary envelope is made from a piece of cardboard and the netting that produce comes in. I first measured out a square of the netting and then traced a pattern, which included a flap on the top, onto the cardboard and cut it out.

I zigzag stitched the netting to the cardboard with a regular sewing machine (not industrial) and then I embellished the envelope with a few stripes of wash tape and a little picture of a dog that I cut from a magazine. This "kit" of materials will be a gift for a two year old friend of Electra's. I've included some homemade envelopes made from old maps, adhesive labels, two mini paper photo albums, some plain white greeting cards for decorating, blue adhesive dots and a few rolls of washi tape.

I like the way the netting expands and hugs the materials differently than a paper envelope. It will be fun to try making some more of these in different shapes and sizes to organize our own stationary supplies.