Amber Dohrenwend

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After a wonderful holiday in Vietnam with my family and friends, we suffered a flu outbreak and a broken camera. Many regrets for my delayed absence! There are some new projects on the horizon, and I wanted to start by showing you a few treasures from our trip.

The wooden stamp above is from Hoi An. There are a few sellers in the old town set up street-side who have a turn-around of 1 day. I'm not sure how they are able to carve wood so quickly and with such precision, but the stamp takes me back to that beautiful city draped with silk lanterns and flowering vines, as well as memories of so many amazing meals!

The patterned paper which was being sold en mass at the market in Hue is used for making effigies that are burned for the New Year's celebrations. They had a million different colors and patterns, but since I was traveling by bike that day I could only bring back what I was able to slog along on a full day of sightseeing.

I hope to be plastering many future projects happily........... with double happiness paper.