Amber Dohrenwend

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Cardboard Play Day at Kujira Yama

This Friday the adventure playground Play Park will be hosting us for a "Cardboard Play Day" to celebrate the Global Cardboard Challenge. We're praying for sun, since a rain day will mean re-scheduling, but either way preparations are in the works for an amazing day.

Play Park is part of an incredible, volunteer supported NGO (NPO) called Asobiba that operates a variety of permanent and temporary adventure playgrounds throughout Tokyo. I'm so excited to work with them and hope to bring cardboard play into their adventure play repertoire in the future!

If you're free, and you're in Tokyo, please join us!

武蔵野公園  クジラ山

Location: Musashino Park's Whale Mountain プレー  パーク October 4, 2013 2013年 10月 4日 FREE 無料 12pm-5pm 午前12時 - 午後5時 Rainy Day = canceled 雨降りの日 = 取消