Amber Dohrenwend

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A Month of Making

I'm feeling a little out of practice posting to the blog, but also so excited to get back in the groove. April has been a wonderfully busy month! I sent my daughter to Japanese preschool for the first time, and have been commuting for about 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week by bicycle to do the pick ups and drop offs. The weather has been beautiful and I've loved it, but I do find myself wondering about those cold wet rainy days to come? Hot, hot August in Tokyo?

Taking the opportunity to be with my family and just be a "maker" for the month was deeply exhilarating. At times I filled every unused corner of our living room with towers of boxes, and bags of cut cardboard scraps. My family never flinched; a true testament of their unfailing love and support.

So many new ideas were born out of my sabbatical, that I'm planning to observe two cardboard sabbaticals every year. I can't recommend them enough, and if you've ever felt that you needed a break from blogging, take one! and don't apologize. Let's keep blogging humane. We all need a break sometimes, particularly when we are working to bring something thoughtful and creative into the world on a regular basis.

One thing I thought about this month while I was hacking away at boxes, is what do all of you want to see more of? I've put together a quick survey so I can actually find out what you think instead of just imagine....and I would be really appreciative if you could take the time to fill it out!

It's a painless 3 question survey: Click here to take survey

And yes, I didn't forget about that big project I promised to tell you about! It's a pattern and video tutorial I'll be releasing very very soon for sale in my Etsy shop. It's the first pattern in a series of  cardboard furniture pieces that I've been designing over the past 6 months. I'm sure I'm being way too secretive about it all, but I've got lots of great posts coming up in the mean time and hopefully a few sneak peaks of the pattern too.

It's good to be back.