Amber Dohrenwend

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Spring Planting in Cardboard

Last year I started experimenting with planting in cardboard even though nearlyeveryone around thought I was crazy. Well, not one of them was shy when the time came to harvest our cherry tomatoes...

This fall I made a simpler kind of planter utilizing the planter hangers that I have, and torn pieces of scrap corrugated cardboard tucked and layered inside. They over-wintered well, and to freshen the boxes up in the Spring, I just added new cardboard to the outside edges and removed some of the inner layers.

Spinach, salad greens, cilantro and nasturtiums...we can't wait for our little sprouts to start popping up! And we're curious to see how our experiment with the glass case (Used for displaying traditional Japanese dolls- there are always tons of these at the recycling shop) works for our tomato starts. We're hoping to transform it into a home for adopted caterpillars......