Amber Dohrenwend

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Cardboard Day of Play: Tokyo

What can I say? I'm exhausted, but smiling away as I type this...The energy and enthusiasm of the kids that came out to play was incredible. Their creations- inventive, ridiculous, beautiful, fun- gave me that electric feeling of seeing creative minds at work.

My favorite moment of the day was peeking inside the doorway of a cardboard tunnel to discover a secret shelf holding an overflowing treasure pot of candy collected from the Homecoming Day festivities. It felt a lot like discovering a squirrel's cache of acorns hastily piled up for winter in the hidden nook of a tree...

I can't leave without  extending my sincerest thanks to the American School in Japan staff and parent volunteers for working to make the Day of Cardboard Play happen. I also send a deep bow to MakeDo Japan for donating MakeDo kits (that the kids had a blast with) and last but not least, Tanaka Satoshi for all his help and inspiration. You can see his signature work in the video clip below.

Back again tomorrow with more cardboard costume ideas. Can't wait to see more of the pictures that are trickling into the Flickr pool.....Hey, why don't you go ahead and upload yours right now?